anthony robbins

JasonDiebold » anthony robbins



Categories Creative, Motivation
If we are going to keep taking like this and be assured that I want to keep the conversation going! We have to agree on a common lingo. I feel that I need to teach you a bit of Jasonese. I use a few words a lot! I know its kind of a flaw that I am working on improving. However, let me be the fi ...
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Today’s motivation – 2013/10/06

Today’s motivation – 2013/10/06

Categories Creative, Motivation
What are you watching?The other night I was watching a scary movie with a friend.  It is October so that is not so weird to be watching a scary movie.After the film both of us were left a little frightened and paranoid.I thought to myself well of course we are scared.  We just watched a scary movi ...
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